Ermahgerd! Bergdahl!

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June 9, 2014 by pollydigest

Ermahgerd -  bergdahl

I’ll be honest, I haven’t really bothered to follow the Bergdahl scandal, aside from hearing bits of commentary on the radio. Luckily, Missy [a co-worker] has taken an interest and was prepared to fill me in on the details first thing Wednesday.

[Missy]: Oh my gah, did you hear what Obama just freaking did?

[me]:  Something about 5 Guys and a Burger?

[Missy]:  He just traded five terrorists for one American traitor!

[me]:  What? That doesn’t make any sense. Why is he a traitor?

[Missy]:  Well, I don’t know, but a girl at my work has been following the story and doing a lot of research and she told me all about it.

[me]:  You mean Sylvetta?  She probably posted something about it on facebook… I’ll have to go read what she posted.

[Missy]: [something about conspiring Muslims]

Now, Sylvetta is a middle-aged black woman and dear friend of mine.  We like to talk politics [loudly] when I occasionally visit her at work. She’s a proud Conservative, and she’s one of the coolest people I know. She also highly disapproves of President Obama.

Here’s what I learned from her Facebook Timeline:

Note: This is simply a compilation of a status and picture Sylvetta has Shared via other Facebook pages.  This is not an actual Conservative opinion.    

Sylvetta shared Sonny Bravo‘s status.

“So let me get this straight; we have United States soldier – GI Bergdahl that in the middle of the night decides he no longer wants to be an American. So he leaves his base in search of greener pastures, I might add he’s in the middle of Afghanistan! So while he looking for someone that speaks English, his fellow soldiers are out looking for him. In searching of GI Bergdahl, several of them where killed!

Five years later, Bergdahl isn’t reported as a POW. Why? Because he’s not a POW? While Bergdahl was learning Arabic so was his Muslim father. This week, the resident in the white house made a trade for Bergdahl. No he didn’t trade his Mickey Mantle rookie card nor did he trade his Joe Greene rookie card. He traded 5 of the worse prisoners in Guantanamo Bay Cuba! That’s right you heard me, 5 “F’ing” rug heads that want to KILL US, for one defector!

What do you think the first thing these five model citizens are going to do when they back with their brethren in Afghanistan? I’ll tell you they’re not going to have a picnic and wave the American flag in an act of solidarity. They’re going to start planning their next attach on American soil.

If I was an American in the Middle East; I’d get the hell out of there. This resident has gone nuts! The whole “F’ing” country has gone nuts. No longer are we living in a sane society, where common sense and logic prevail. These are new times we’re living in. Here’s some friendly advice; buy a gun and lots of ammo, you’re on your own!”


Now whether or not this is a reasonable assessment is, well, obvious.

However, I would love to read Sylvetta expressing her opinion on this topic.  Mostly because I know firsthand that she is an intelligent woman and I trust her judgement.  I don’t, however, trust her ability to accurately use the “Share” button on Facebook to express her political views.  Afterall, she is Grandmother!  I’m not saying that as an excuse, but I sympathize with all people her age and their  inability to sometimes grasp the pitfalls of using social media.


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